Visual presentation slides from the February 1st Gitksan Fishery Community Meeting. The presentation covered: 1)background information on the preseason forecasts and sockeye trends through the years, as well as contrasting the 2017 situation to the 2013 fishing season, 2) Information on the Pacific Salmon Treaty regarding an increase in alaskan exploitation of sockeye and changes in run timing that have implications to the treaty, 3) other natural variables putting pressure on salmon survival and behavior, such as a changing climate and it’s trickle-down effects, and 4) The Skeena First Nations Technical Committee (SFNTC) draft proposal for Skeena First Nation’s Food/Social/Ceremonial fish allocations in the face of low sockeye returns in 2017. Following the presentation, an open-floor discussion took place to receive feedback from the Gitksan regarding their concerns for this upcoming salmon season and how we are to address these concerns.