Gitksan Watershed Authorities is a traditional and science based body of fisheries professionals, biologists, field technicians, community leaders and support staff that operates under its own Board of Directors, respected Chiefs from each of the four Clans. This group is governed according to the traditional Gitksan house system. The GWA functions to represent the Gitksan for the management of the Fisheries on the Skeena and within the Gitksan territories. The GWA stands as an advocate for Skeena-wide research and integrated planning for Indigenous fisheries. The GWA is a member of the Skeena Fisheries Commission (skeenafisheries.ca) and the Skeena First Nations Technical Committee (SFNTC) to accomplish collaborative management goals with all Indigenous groups along the Skeena.

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Our core programs and projects work within the Gitksan laws to uphold and sustain fisheries resources within the Gitksan territories and beyond.

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Gitksan Watershed Authorities
1279 Lax SE’EI St. Kispiox, BC. V0J 1Y4
(250) 842-2213