This notice from DFO provides information on planned conservation measures for Northern and Southern B.C. Chinook Salmon – implemented beginning June 1, 2018.
Key Points (our Skeena region is Area 4):
Effective Immediately: recreational salmon fishing in the entire Skeena River Watershed is CLOSED until further notice. There is NO RETENTION of Chinook salmon in all rivers draining into Pacific Fishery Management Areas 1-6 until further notice. (page 4)
Effective June 16, 2018 – July 9, 2018: there is ZERO (0) retention of Chinook Salmon in areas 3-5. (page 3)
Effective July 10, 2018 – July 31, 2018: the daily limit is ONE (1) Chinook per day in areas 3-5. (page 3)
*If you witness fishing violations please call DFO’s 24-hr toll free Observe, Record, Report line: (800) 465-4336 or, B.C.’s toll-free RAPP line: 1-877-952-RAPP (7277)
DFO rec fish notices 2018