A collection of public documents
Letter from Lax Kw’alaams Band to DFO Director General July 2020
DFO Recreational Fishing Notice 2018
This notice from DFO provides information on planned conservation measures for Northern and Southern B.C. Chinook Salmon - implemented beginning June 1, 2018. Key Points (our Skeena region is Area 4): Effective Immediately: recreational salmon fishing in the entire Skeena River Watershed is CLOSED until further notice. There is NO RETENTION of Chinook salmon in [...]
2018 Community Meeting – Food Fish Planning
In February of 2018, GWA staff held community meetings to provide updates on upcoming Skeena fisheries as well as a review of the 2017 fishing season. This document includes: 2017 Review: forecasts, concerns, Skeena First Nations collective management objectives, Gitksan catch values and effort, all Skeena First Nations catch, escapement information, & productivity trends [...]