

About WaterShedAdmin

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So far WaterShedAdmin has created 15 blog entries.

I.F. Management Plan

This document outlines DFO's policies and guidelines to refer to throughout the season. Gitksan community meetings are in place to gather feedback to then pressure DFO to alter this IFMP document to accommodate our demands. Link Draft Salmon IFMP for Northern BC for 2017_2018 final (2)

By |2020-06-23T13:13:42-07:00May 16th, 2017|Public Access|Comments Off on I.F. Management Plan

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Standing agreement between Canada and the United States regarding the cooperative management of Pacific salmon stocks. This document outlines the regulation of the Alaskan interception and has further implications to the annual returns to Canada. Click to view

By |2020-06-23T13:13:35-07:00March 24th, 2017|Public Access|Comments Off on Pacific Salmon Treaty

February 1st Gitksan Fishery Community Meeting

Visual presentation slides from the February 1st Gitksan Fishery Community Meeting. The presentation covered: 1)background information on the preseason forecasts and sockeye trends through the years, as well as contrasting the 2017 situation to the 2013 fishing season, 2) Information on the Pacific Salmon Treaty regarding an increase in alaskan exploitation of sockeye and [...]

By |2022-07-25T10:24:17-07:00March 6th, 2017|Public Access|Comments Off on February 1st Gitksan Fishery Community Meeting
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